Inner Landscapes
Inner Landscapes
"Art does not reproduce the visible ‐ art makes things visible." (Paul Klee)
This series deals with making subconscious processes visible. To borrow a phrase from Paul Klee's analogy of the artist as a tree, I transmit images from the depths, just as the roots convey nutrients upwards into the trunk and finally the treetop. I begin by literally feeling my way forward across the paper, using both hands and with eyes closed; by means of pastel chalk inner pictures materialise. These can be calm and meditative als well as impulsively expressive. They authentically reflect my state of mind without being consciously influenced.
The quick pastel sketches provide the point of departure for painting in watercolour. Shapes and lines are delineated, expressive strokes taken up on and emphasised, colours are intensified and differentiated, spatial effects come about almost inadvertently. The gestural pastel sketch is completely transformed.
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 Rebirth, 2013 pastel, watercolour on paper 70 cm x 100 cm
 Creatio Continua, 2014 pastel, watercolour on paper 70 cm x 100 cm
 Enigma, 2014 pastel, watercolour on paper 70 cm x 100 cm
 Rise and Release, 2014 pastel, watercolour on paper 69,5 cm x 41,5 cm
 Perennial Growth, 2017 pastel, watercolour on paper 60,5 cm x 100 cm
 Gestation, 2017 pastel, watercolour on paper 60 cm x 100 cm
 Kindred Spirits, 2021 Pastell auf Papier 100 cm x 70 cm
 Awakening, 2021 pastel, watercolour on paper 75 x 110 cm
 Into My Own, 2021 pastel, watercolour on paper 75 x 110 cm
 Unfolding, 2021 pastel, watercolour on paper 70 x 100 cm
 Ebb and Flow, 2021 pastel, watercolour on paper 75 x 110 cm
 Parallel Worlds, 2021 pastel, watercolour on paper 72 x 106 cm
 Coalescing, 2021 pastel, watercolour on paper 75 x 110 cm
 Crucible, 2021/22 pastel, watercolour on paper 75 x 110 cm
 Unleashed, 2022 pastel, watercolour on paper 106 x 71,4 cm
Two Part Harmony, 2023 pastel, watercolour on paper 29,5 x 42 cm
Eruption, 2023 watercolour, coloured pencil on paper 70 x 50 cm
Panta Rhei, 2023 watercolour, pastel on paper 70 x 50 cm
Healing, 2023 pastel, watercolour paper 75 x 110 cm
A Leap of Faith, 2023/24 pastel, watercolour on paper 75 x 110 cm