Objects and Assemblages
Objects and Assemblages
Objet trouvé: The entire series was inspired by a found object, an irregularly shaped piece of wood from the floor of the forest. Its chiselled, uneven surface seemed to cry out for colour. The medium of watercolour seemed appropriate as it stains the wood while leaving its grain and texture intact.
Pencil Picture: This work was an attempt to create an appealing composition consisting of "leftover" coloured pencils. Light and shadow play an important role, as "faux shadows" visually bind the pencils to the substrate, yet combine with real shadows which of course vary depending on the lighting.
Totem I and II: Both of these objects were inspired by a branch of driftwood whose surface had been engraved by worms. Fascinated by these natural marks, I decided to add color in order to bring them to light. Painting with opaque colours on a convex surface reminded me of totem poles, hence the title.
Go with the Grain, Tools of the Trade, Picture This!: The grain, texture and subtle hues of the wood itself became the point of departure for the colours and shapes which evolved. Diverse small objects, e.g. pencil lead, erasers, a brush, were integrated through the use of "faux-shadows" or similar colours. The two different levels of the assemblages increase the 3-dimensional aspect as well as provide more possibilities to work with space.
The new series (2023/24) picks up where the old left off.
Again the rhythmical flow of the wood grain provides the initial impulse and determines the direction of movement. The natural color of the wood is utilised, but also heightened or intensified.
The 3-dimensional quality of the assemblages is produced in various ways:
by using different layers of wood which create a relief, adding objects or by chiselling into the surface. Finally the frame provides a boundary which contains the space within.
Spoonful was a very lucky find during a walk in the woods.
click to enlarge
 Objet trouvé, 2015 watercolour on wood 13 x 36 x 4,5 cm (H/B/T)
 Objet trouvé, 2015 (Detail)
 Objet trouvé, 2015 (Detail)
 Objet trouvé, 2015 (Detail)
 Pencil Picture, 2015/16 mixed media on wood 23,8 x 33 x 3 cm (H/B/T)
 Pencil Picture, 2015/16 (Detail)
 Totem I, 2016 watercolour on driftwood 72cm (H), Plinthe 8 x 8 cm
 Totem I, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem I, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem I, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem I, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem I, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem I, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem II, 2016 watercolour on driftwood 11,5 x 82 cm (H/B), Plinthe 95 x 27 x 1,8 cm
 Totem II, 2016 watercolour on driftwood 11,5 x 82 cm (H/B), Plinthe 95 x 27 x 1,8 cm
 Totem II, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem II, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem II, 2016 (Detail)
 Totem II, 2016 (Detail)
 Go with the Grain, 2015/16, 2020 Mixed Media auf Holz 33 x 43 x 3 cm
 Go with the Grain, 2015/16, 2020 (Detail)
 Go with the Grain, 2015/16, 2020 (Detail)
 Go with the Grain, 2015/16, 2020 (Detail)
 Tools of the Trade, 2017, 2020 mixed media on wood 35 x 43 x 3 cm
 Tools of the Trade, 2017, 2020 (Detail)
 Tools of the Trade, 2017, 2020 (Detail)
 Tools of the Trade, 2017, 2020 (Detail)
 Picture This!, 2017 mixed media on wood 33 x 43 x 3 cm
Picture This!, 2017 (Detail)
Picture This!, 2017 (Detail)
Picture This!, 2017 (Detail)
Picture This!, 2017 (Detail)
As Chance Would Have It, 2023 mixed media on wood 40 x 30 x 3 cm
As Chance Would Have It, 2023 (Detail)
As Chance Would Have It, 2023 (Detail)
As Chance Would Have It, 2023 (Detail)
As Chance Would Have It, 2023 (Detail)
A Blessing in Disguise, 2023 coloured pencil, ink on wood 40 x 30 x 3 cm
A Blessing in Disguise, 2023 (Detail)
A Blessing in Disguise, 2023 (Detail)
A Blessing in Disguise, 2023 (Detail)
A Blessing in Disguise, 2023 (Detail)
Rise and Fall, 2023/24 Coloured pencil and lead on wood 40 x 30 x 3 cm
Rise and Fall, 2023/24 (Detail)
Rise and Fall, 2023/24 (Detail)
Rise and Fall, 2023/24 (Detail)
Healing Wounds, 2024 Coloured pencil on wood 40 x 30 x 3 cm
Healing Wounds, 2024 (Detail)
Healing Wounds, 2024 (Detail)
Healing Wounds, 2024 (Detail)
Spoonful, 2024 coloured pencil on wood 65 x 23 x 28 cm
Spoonful, 2024 (Detail)
Spoonful, 2024 (Detail)
Spoonful, 2024 (Detail)
Spoonful, 2024 (Detail)
Spoonful, 2024 (Detail)
Spoonful, 2024 (Detail)